Wednesday 22 June 2011

CPD23 - My first ever blog post goes, my first ever blog post.  Being a user and a great believer in the benefits of social media, it is surprising that so far I have avoided blogging.  For a long time I have contemplated the idea of writing a blog but with trepidation, what do I write about? Who would actually read my posts? What do I have to say that is even remotely interesting?!  Well, cpd23 is the perfect way for me to get writing, it will give me a clear focus on what to write and allow me to develop my writing and blogging skills for personal and professional development. 

I feel that participating in cpd23 will give me the opportunity to develop my reflective writing which I have often read about the benefits of but never fully practiced.  I look forward to reading other cpd23 blog posts and increasing my awareness of what others in the library and information profession are doing.  Mostly though, I look forward to having a bit of self-indulgent fun,  jotting down my thoughts in the hope others will find them interesting, and perhaps even share a little knowledge along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Hurray! Linda, I'm so pleased you're taking part and hope you get lots and lots from it :) #aberils rules!
